Ladder to Perfection


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“Escala para subir a la Perfección” by the Venerable Mary of Agreda, though very little-known in the English speaking world, is a solid and practical explanation of two main issues in the Spiritual Life, “What pitfalls do I need to avoid”, and “How do I advance toward Holiness”.

The “Escala” or ‘Ladder’ expounded in this work is an allegory for the Spiritual Life starting from the very beginning up to the heights of Perfection, an image and revelation Ven. Mary of Agreda received in prayer from God, and which she progressively came to understand more and more clearly over time through personal experience and her time as a Religious Mother Abbess. 

Anyone acquainted with the Mystical City of God may notice she is much more personable in this treatise, and her style is much less perfectly refined. The two principal reasons for this could very well be her young age at the time of writing this book compared to the Mystical City of God, and the fact that she is mainly addressing this work to her daughters and fellow religious – it seems to us that by its very nature, it is intended to be more personal than “Sublime”.

This is an Original Translation by Roman-Seraphic Books
The first made in the English Language