The Life of St. Lawrence of Brindisi


Whilst St. Peter of Alcantara was restoring Franciscan austerity in Spain and in the kingdom of Naples, the Capuchin reform was made illustrious by such brilliant lights as St. Felix of Cantalice, St. Seraphin of Montegranario, St. Joseph of Leonessa, St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, the protomartyr of Propaganda, Blessed Bernard of Corleone, and Blessed Benedict of Urbino, the fellow-labourer of Lawrence in Bohemia. Amongst these lights of sanctity, few, if any, shone with greater lustre than the last-mentioned Saint, as we believe will be readily admitted by those who follow him in his wonderful career.
He belonged clearly to that class of “instruments raised up by Almighty God for the accomplishment of His purposes… men of acute and ready mind, with accurate knowledge of human nature, and large plans, and persuasive and attractive bearing, genial, sociable, and popular, endued with prudence, patience, instinctive tact and decision in conducting matters, as well as boldness and zeal.” Hence it was that he loomed so largely in the eyes of his contemporaries.

-From the Introduction, of the Life of St. Lawrence of Brindisi by Fr. Anthony Brennan, O.F.M. Cap.