Privacy Policy

Roman-Seraphic Books strives to provide you with excellent Catholic products and a secure online shopping experience at our website. We value your privacy and manage the personal information you provide us in accordance with the procedures set forth below.

Please read and become familiar with our security procedures. If you have any questions, please contact us at

What Are Your General Security Procedures?

Roman-Seraphic Books uses multiple security measures to provide you with safe online shopping and keep your personal information secure.

All personal information from our customers is encrypted through a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). You can know your information is secure when you see a padlock in the lower margin of your browser, or in your address bar, when accessing our website.

Why Do You Need My Personal Information?

We ask customers to provide personally identifiable information such as name, email address, billing address, and shipping address. Although not all information is required, by refusing to provide some information you will not be able to use all of the features of our website.

Our website compiles data from the web server to help us understand the origin of our online traffic and customer preferences and demographics. We use this data to improve our website so that customers will enjoy the best experience possible. Broad trends and statistics may be used to target marketing and sales, providing you with information about products that are relevant to you.

What Happens to My Personal Information? 

Roman-Seraphic Books does not share your information with any third-parties.

If you have provided us with your email address, we will send you promotional emails about services offered by Roman-Seraphic Books. If you do not wish to receive promotional emails from Roman-Seraphic Books, please unsubscribe by using the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of every Roman-Seraphic Books promotional email, or by emailing us at

Do You Use Cookies? 

Roman-Seraphic Books uses cookies (electronic identifiers stored on your computer through your web browser) to identify your browser and streamline your shopping experience. Cookies make shopping more convenient by automatically logging customers in and saving the contents of your shopping cart or wish list in case you wish to complete your purchase at a later date. If you desire, you may disable cookies through your web browser; disabling cookies, however, will limit the features you can experience and may interfere with the checkout process. We strongly recommend that you set your browser to accept cookies.

Questions or Comments About This Policy

If you have any questions or comments about the Roman-Seraphic Books Privacy Policy, please contact us at