The Hidden Treasure


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The Hidden Treasure by Saint Leonard of Port-Maurice is one of the most simple catechetical and devotional books out there to grasp an authentic understanding of the Catholic Mass.

It presents to the reader three general methods that one can use to participate with devotion and fruit at Mass, but he places emphasis and preference for the third method of intentionally offering the sacrificial victim of the Mass, Christ upon the Altar, in Adoration, Expiation, Thanksgiving, and Petition — essentially bringing us back to a practical and realistic understanding of our “Priestly role” as participants at Mass.

Though he encourages the other two methods most commonly followed by Catholics as good in themselves, namely, that of simply meditating on the Passion of Christ and His sacrifice, and uniting oneself to it, and that of following along with the actual prayers of the Ordinary of Mass with the Priest, he proposes this above-mentioned method as the most effective and balanced way to assist at Mass.

When asking one reader of this book what he thought of it, they replied simply “I think it should be required reading!”; we would concur! Since this book so effectively communicates what we are meant to actually do at Mass as Catholics.

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A Book by St. Leonard of Port-Maurice on the Excellence of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.