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A Pilgrimage For The Love Of God

A Pilgrimage For The Love Of God

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My hope for you and my reason for publishing this journal is to encourage you to trust our Dear Blessed and Most Holy Lord and His Immaculate Mother. I want to show you that His promises are true and that He can be trusted. We all know that things aren't so good right now, both in the world and the Church. But regardless of all the nonsense around us, my duty and your duty is still the same today as it was yester­day for the saints. We are to obtain heaven and this can only be done by and through love. Love, as St. Francis used to say of God: "So greatly to be loved is the Love that loved us so Greatly!" But so often we get lost in the media, the scandals, the heartbreaks of so much infidelity, etc ... Nevertheless, our duty is always the same. We are called to be holy, to love God, to be faithful! So I invite you to take this pil­grimage with me. To embrace the simplicity of serv­ing God, and His fidelity in all our needs. I pray it will inspire you to take holy risks on the Lord, to be generous with the Lord who is so very faithful and generous with you. And may God grant you great reward and fruit from your generosity to Him. Amen!

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