The Life of St. Veronica Giuliani
The Life of St. Veronica Giuliani
The Spiritual Life of St. Veronica Giuliani is difficult to describe other than “absolutely extraordinary”; she is without doubt one of the greatest mystics in Church History.
To illustrate her degree of sanctity and the nature of her incredible mystical experiences we can look at a testimony from the Processes of Beatification and Canonization, wherein Our Lady is recounted to have substituted St. Veronica in her duties as Abbess, while she suffered the torments of Hell for sinners.
In the testimony of Sr. Maria Giovanna to the Judge Instructor, she recounted that: “I also understood from Mother Sr. Florida, the present Abbess, that the Venerable Sister Veronica was in Hell several times for many hours during the course of one Lent, suffering those pains for the conversion of sinners and during that time when the Venerable was in Hell for the above-said reason, the Blessed Virgin took the part of the Abbess appearing under the features of the Venerable Sr. Veronica”. (G. Cittadini, Santa Veronica nella luce dei Processi, 1997)
“… keep my name always impressed on your heart.”
-Words of the Blessed Virgin to St. Veronica Giuliani
The Biography of the Poor Clare “Crucified Mystic”, St. Veronica Giulani by Filipo Salvatori, written in the 19th Century.